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Sheena the earth elf is the second youngest member of the royal Razdani family.

She graduated from the Emunici Royal Academy with a focus in equestrian care and reiki. 

She has a palomino horse named Sebastian as her trusted companion, she received him as a gift after joining the setri-ka-vet.

Sheena has been at odds with her family for many years which led her to leaving the city for many years.

After training with the setri, she has become proficient in martial arts and scouting.

She keeps a delicate truce between the elves and the humans as a delegate.

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Sheena riding Sebastions, first person view

Sheena riding Sebastions, first person view

Sheena and Sebastian are out blazing a trail through the desert for #JuneOfJoy, a positivity quarantine challenge I joined by way of @risuyet on instagram.

Through the key-hole

Through the key-hole

Sheena has been out in the desert storm searching far and wide for a phoenix egg as a gift.





Sheena's horse, a palomino quarterhorse



Sheena's first appearance in Arctic Griffon Patrol

Queen of Diamonds

Queen of Diamonds

Sheena the earth elf, queen of diamonds

Sheena and Seabastian

Sheena and Seabastian

Sheena the earth elf and her horse Sebastian. They patrol the desert regularly as part of the scouting crew from Emunici.

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