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Colletions from my comic projects. 

Land of Emunici

Episode 0: Trouble in the forest

Episode 0: Trouble in the forest

Prologue for the elves of Emunici. Maya is on a mission to Zedia to assist the Rangers in patroling the forest. A mystery creature has been spotted and is responsible for multiple mysterious scenes of destruction. Caymus from the Zedia Rangers has been tracking the creature for quite some time with the assistance of Vulcana, his partner, without being able to spot the creature. Vulcana has called in her sister Maya who has the gift of the Third Eye to help them track down the creature.

Episode 0, Page 1: "Danger afoot"

Episode 0, Page 1: "Danger afoot"

Somewhere in the forest outside Zedia, Maya is meeting with her younger sister Vulcana to scout the area. Reports have been going around about a mysterious presence deep in the forest. Let's see what they find...

Page 2: "Bullseye"

Page 2: "Bullseye"

Caymus from the Zedia rangers has appeared to test Maya and Vulcana. The scouting troup has paired up with the local rangers to increase the coverage of the forest floor. Something is still out there, will they find it before it's too late?

Page 3: "Does she have a sense of humor?"

Page 3: "Does she have a sense of humor?"

Caymus and Vulcana have a little fun at Maya's expense, all the while being watched by the very thing they came to find. Suddenly Vulcana's sixth sense kicks in, knowing the trees have their ears and eyes watching. Will she figure it out in time?

Page 4: "Look, up in the tree!"

Page 4: "Look, up in the tree!"

Vulcana has spotted the mystery creature in the trees. This 'creature' happens to be quite worried about being spotted. Who is she and why is she sneaking through the trees?

Page 5: "Found out"

Page 5: "Found out"

The mystery girl has to escape being caught, her parents have warned her to remain invisible while inside the forest. The most dangerous creatures are the ones who can talk. Maya, Caymus and Vulcana must decide quickly if the mysterious force presents any real danger. That is, if they can find her. The chase is on!

Page 6, escape

Page 6, escape

The mystery girl has escaped the elves and runs to the edge of the forest to her home. Being spotted by the elves has ruined 20 years of hiding in the forest. Time is of the essence. ***This ends the first arc of my story. It's meant to be a short prelude to introduce some of the characters and the landscape. I hope you all have enjoyed and will continue to read when Episode 1 comes out next.

Golden Phoenix Cover Page

Golden Phoenix Cover Page

The golden phoenix sings with Rhys

Page 1

Page 1

Rhys is about to enter his first day at the Emunici Royal Academy, his sister Maya is waking him up to ensure he makes it off safely.

Page 2

Page 2

Rhys gets ready reluctantly while Maya makes breakfast with a smile. I just hope the kitchen can handle her.

Page 3

Page 3

Maya and Rhys get going on their way to school

Page 4

Page 4

The debate ensues into a struggle that Rhys is not winning

Page 5

Page 5

The opening ceremony, Rainor is the master of ceremonies and Rhys is having his bad luck continue

page 6

page 6

Rhys gets chastised for his wardrobe by a new face in the midst of the ceremony, while Rainor tries to not have a coronary.

Page 7

Page 7

Rainor explains to the class some history about the academy

Page 8

Page 8

Class ends and Rainor confronts Rhys before he can leave.

Page 9

Page 9

Rhys walks with Rainor, and is starting to have a sinking feeling about the fate that may befall him.

Page 10

Page 10

Final - Rhys meets his fate in Rainor's office where Maya is waiting to tell him the bad news. It is going to be very difficult for Rhys, his first time living away from home and with a group of students who knows his family history. Things may get dicey next episode!

Episode 0

Episode 1


Arctic Griffon Patrol

AGP adventures episode 1

AGP adventures episode 1

Cherie and her pet Griffons, Star and Randolph on the cover of AGP adventures.

Cherie and Rhys

All pilots have them...

Cherie is explaining the finer details to Rhys about mech pilots daily lives.

Page 1

AGP Adventures: Page 1

Sheena is riding her horse Sebastian across the desert when she sees a crash landing. Coming across the wreckage of an as of yet unidentified Cherie and her damaged mech suit.

Social distancing

Social distancing

Cherie braves the streets of the city to get griffon food. Staying safe with a mask on!

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